Volunteer / Donate
We ask for your help and support.

Like many other organizations, we need help. There are no paid officers or personnel at the Club. Events we are running have become more popular and the need for additional help has become critical. The faces of the officers are becoming more familiar to you but that means we are getting older. As it is always printed in our Newsletters, if you could help for an entire event, that would be fantastic, but we are realists and hope we could get a few hours of your help.
If you would like to help, call Dan Neff at 484-523-1934 or Keith Hess at 610-657-6030.
Thank you, we would be extremely grateful.
The Club is accepting monetary donations to the organization for a variety of projects we are undertaking. Most of the projects are long overdue and often neglected updates. Thank you for any contribution you can make. (P.S. Time is also a great contribution.)